56 Annual

Due to Hurricane Milton, the 56th Annual Diocesan Convention has been moved to a Virtual Business meeting on December 5 from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
Virtual Convention Credentials and instructions have been emailed to all voting members. Please make sure to have them accessible on December 5th. All voting members should log in to Zoom and VPOLL between 6:15 and 6:45 pm. If you did not receive your email or have any questions, reach out to Beth Gentry Gould in Canon Norman’s office bgould@episcopalswfl.org.
Delegate Information
The Canons of the Diocese require the Bishop to prepare a "Preliminary Roster" for publication not later than 80 days prior to the Annual Convention. Amendments to the Preliminary Roster are permitted up to thirty (30) days prior to Convention. These rosters will be updated as changes are received.
For Clergy: All canonically resident clergy in the Diocese of Southwest Florida attend Annual Convention. Active, canonically-resident clergy in this Diocese who cannot attend a scheduled meeting of the Convention immediately shall inform the Bishop and provide the reason for the absence. Clergy canonically resident in this Diocese but who have retired from active service are not required to be present at the meetings of the Convention.
Changes to Lay Delegates/Alternates for Convention
Rectors/Vicars/Priests in Charge or Senior Wardens may make changes to their lay delegates/alternates by using the online link: https://tinyurl.com/2024DelegateChange. The 56th Convention will be held at the Charlotte Harbor Event Center in Punta Gorda on October 11th and 12th.
Questions? Contact Beth Gentry Gould, Executive Assistant to Canon Norman, bgould@episcopalswfl.org.
Final Roster of Clergy Members of Convention.
Final Roster of Lay Delegates/Alternates and Elected Members.
For Laity: The Canons make provision for Lay Delegates to be appointed once the time for the Annual Meeting of the Congregation is past:
Canon I.4.c: Lay Delegates and Alternate Delegates who cannot attend a scheduled meeting of the Convention immediately shall inform the member of the clergy in charge of the Congregation and wardens of the Congregation so that a replacement may be selected.
Canon 1.5.a: The selection of Lay Delegates and Alternate Delegates to serve as Members of the Convention shall be made by the Congregation, unless otherwise specified by the bylaws of the Congregation. If the Congregation’s bylaws specify that selection is to be made by Congregational election, the electors must have the qualifications as set forth in Canon VII.
Questions? Email Beth Gentry Gould, Administrative Assistant to the Canon to the Ordinary, at bgould@episcopalswfl.org.
Business Session Tips
On-Site Check-In Process
The annual business meeting of the diocese requires a separate registration process from Friday. We do this to differentiate “members of convention” (lay and clergy voting delegates) from all other attendees.
Locate the registration table in the concourse of the conference center that corresponds to your standing as an attendee. The choices will be clergy/clergy spouse/lay delegate/lay alternate/guests/visitors. Each category will be sub-sectioned alphabetically (A-J, K-N, and so on) by last name. Make certain you are in the correct table category and in the correct line alphabetically.
You will be handed your nametag and lunch tickets for Saturday (No additional lunch tickets will be sold or available at Convention.)
Once you are registered, proceed to the floor of Convention in Hibiscus Hall. Locate your designated seating area/deanery. Convention Pages will be assigned to each deanery and can help you find your table.
As you enter Hibiscus Hall, a Floor Manager and Convention Pages will be on hand to direct you to your assigned seating area. We do this to ensure that only those who are entitled to vote are seated on the voting floor of Convention.
Once the business meeting has begun, if you wish to speak at an appropriate time, please approach one of the two microphones on the convention floor and wait to be recognized by the chair. First state your name and congregation, and then make your comments, which are limited to three minutes. Then return to your seat. Convention works through the agenda, with scheduled breaks and a lunch period.
Votes will be taken throughout the day on a variety of issues. For some votes, you will asked to access our online voting system, VPOLL. Instructions to log into VPOLL can be found on page 7.
Per Diocesan Canon II, Section 4.b., a Resolutions Committee was appointed by Diocesan Council.
The Resolutions Committee is charged with ensuring that proposed resolutions coming before the Convention comply with the requirements of the Constitutions and Canons of The Episcopal Church and this Diocese, are not redundant, and are stated in clear and consistent language. The text of the resolutions and explanations of what they would do are available on the diocesan website and in this convention guidebook. Read the resolutions and the explanations, think about them, ask questions, and determine how you plan to vote.