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Morning Sessions

9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

Soul Mending After a Loss. You do not walk alone. Join this interactive workshop where we will discover spiritual practices that heal the soul after a loss. 


Healing for Growth. Inside a burned-out redwood tree, new growth, amazingly, flourished. In the healing process we discover that suffering and growth can coexist. 


Revitalizing Your Spiritual Vocabulary. Refresh and enrich your prayer life with some new ways of listening and speaking to God.

10:45 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.

The Church = The Gathering Place: Every church wants to nurture a vibrant and vital faith in all ages and generations. This workshop will help you and your congregation create initiatives that build a culture of lifelong faith formation and community engagement. Discover how to make it happen.


Evangelism and Creating a Sacred Third Space:  Millennials and Gen Z are hungry for community, but connecting with them requires creativity. How can the Church create partnerships by meeting younger people where they are to foster sacred third spaces?


Kids These Days! Kids today are different than they were just 20 years ago, and they are way different than they were in the ‘60s, ‘70s, etc. The church has an incredible opportunity to come alongside families with children and youth in innovative and life-giving ways.



Plenary Session

1:00 - 2:30 p.m.

The Rev. Scott Gunn, executive director of Forward Movement, will offer fresh insight on congregational vitality and present new research from RenewalWorks, a ministry that helps churches and individuals refocus on spiritual growth and identify the ways that God is calling them to grow.


Afternoon Session

2:45 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Building Your Financial Future. ECF360 is a new online resource from the Episcopal Church Foundation that offers self-service tools and resources for financial campaigns and for legacy giving programs.


Healthy Clergy Personal Finance. Clergy taxes can be a mystery. This workshop, aimed at new clergy (and those with questions) and treasurers, will explore the basics of the tax code, requirements, best practices, record-keeping, and pitfalls to avoid.


Insuring Your Future. Preparing your property, dealing with deferred maintenance, and recovering from disaster.



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