Workshops & Speakers
9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

Panelists: The Rev. Alexander Andujar, St. John's, Sun City; the Rev. Dave Marshall, All Angels by the Sea, Longboat Key; the Rev. Michelle Robertshaw, St. Andrew’s, Boca Grande and the Rev. Canon Michael Alford, The Cathedral Church of St. Peter, St. Petersburg.
Incorporating Pilgrimages into Your Everyday Life.
Not everyone can hike the Camino, but many people are still interested in seeking out the benefits of a pilgrimage. How can your church or group of individual parishioners create pilgrimages closer to home?

Presenters: The Rev. Kathy Schillreff, St. Mark's, Marco Island; the Rev. Tania Wilkes, St. John's, Tampa; the Rev. Peter Lane, St. Alfred's, Palm Harbor; the Rev. Hillary Peete, The Cathedral Church of St. Peter, and Ayana Grady, St. John's, Tampa.
Becoming Beloved Community in Southwest Florida.
Our past is part of who we are. Knowing and understanding our past helps us heal and move forward. The Diocese of Southwest Florida established the Committee for Race and Reconciliation – Becoming Beloved Community — to accomplish just that mission. Our workshop is designed to help parishes and their members and friends begin or enhance their own racial healing work. Topics to be included are Becoming Beloved Community program, Sacred Ground, Dismantling Racism Training, and Resources and ideas for parishes and individuals.

Presenter: Grace-Anne Alfiero, President of Arts in Action Consulting Group
Non-Profit Leadership Lessons You Can Apply to Your Congregations
Non-profit organizations are experts at finding volunteers, raising awareness, and generating donations for their cause-based missions, what tools can we take from their playbook and apply to our churches to build a brighter future for our congregations?
10:45 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.

Presenters: The Rev. Dr. James Reho, Rector of St. Catherine's, Tampa, and the Rev. Joyce Holmes, Rector of St Wilfred's, Sarasota
Broadening the Invitation: Diversifying our Music, Demystifying our Bulletins.
In this workshop, we will explore how we can "open up" our church music and our church bulletin to be positive aids to those new to our tradition, and use examples of best, and not-so-best, practices. We will also look at some tools that can help with music selection and bulletin preparation, which can be very helpful when "thin" church staffing, or limited musical talent in a small congregation, is more and more the norm.

Presenter: The Rev. Dr. Sharon L. Lewis, former rector of Holy Spirit, Osprey, president of the national/international board of the Order of St. Luke, and founder and director of Amazing Love Healing Ministry.
Healing for Growth
Inside a burned-out redwood tree, new growth, amazingly, flourished. In the healing process we discover that suffering and growth can coexist. This is where we are stretched as individuals and as churches. In this workshop we will discover that healing makes us more resilient with greater capacity to endure as individuals and as the body of Christ, and new growth and new possibilities emerge from past wounds. “Behold, I am making all things new" (Revelation 21:5).

Panelists: The Rev. Janet Tunnell, All Saints, Tarpon Springs; the Rev. Chris Wood, St. John's, Tampa; Leila Miser, St. James House of Prayer, Tampa, and Jackie Overton, Redeemer, Sarasota.
What is Your Calling?
God calls each of us to serve in unique ways. This workshop focuses on non-ordination callings, particularly the vital roles of lay leaders in ministry. Learn how to discern your spiritual gifts and understand the significance of your contribution to worship and community leadership. Through guided reflection and group activities, this session will help you listen more closely to God's call and empower you to step confidently into your ministry role.

Panelists: Willie Ortiz, St. Vincents, St. Petersburg, and Zully de la Torre, St. Mary's, Palmetto
¿Cuál es tu llamado?
Dios nos llama a cada uno de nosotros a servir de maneras únicas. Este taller se centra en los llamados que no implican la ordenación, en particular en los roles vitales de los líderes laicos en el ministerio. Aprenda a discernir sus dones espirituales y a comprender la importancia de su contribución a la adoración y al liderazgo comunitario. A través de la reflexión guiada y las actividades grupales, esta sesión lo ayudará a escuchar más atentamente el llamado de Dios y lo capacitará para asumir con confianza su rol en el ministerio.

Bishops' Panel
1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
The Rt. Rev. Douglas Scharf will be joined by the Rt. Rev. Dorothy Wells of the Diocese of Mississippi, the Rt. Rev. Moisés Quezada Mota of the Diocese of the Dominican Republic and the Rt. Rev. Griselda Delgado del Carpio, retired Bishop of the Diocese of Cuba for an exciting panel about the future of the church.
2:45 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Presenter: The Rev. Martha Goodwill, St. Thomas, St Petersburg.
Using Church-Owned Land to Care for Environment and Neighbor.
In 2018, General Convention passed Res. D053: Stewardship of Creation with Church-Owned Lands, which affirmed that church-owned land holds the potential for ecological benefit, community healing, and ministries of discipleship and evangelism. Wise land care and use can proclaim the gospel, conserve biodiversity, grow community health, create new relationships, and address historic injustices. Come experience some of the many ways your church can use its land for good.

Presenters: Lindsey Nickel, Director of Communications, and John Edgar, Director of Congregation Support, Diocese of Southwest Florida.
How Artificial Intelligence and Process Automation Tools Can Optimize Church Leaders Time
In today's fast-paced world, church leaders often find themselves overwhelmed with administrative tasks, scheduling, communication, and data management. To focus more on your core mission of ministry and pastoral care, it is essential to leverage modern technology. This workshop will explore the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Process Automation tools tailored specifically for church leaders.

Presenters: The Rev. Robert Vaughn, St. Edmund, Arcadia, and the Rev. Bryan O'Carroll, Holy Innocents', Valrico.
Creating a Focus-Driven Mission
Connect your church’s mission and gifts with a community-centered people group, problem, or need your congregation can support. This workshop will highlight the benefits of aligning your financial contributions with volunteer time, creating a holistic approach to giving back. Discover methods for selecting the right focus area, engaging your congregation, and making a lasting impact through spiritual and congregational growth.